AbstractGiven a vector of real numbersθ=(θ1,...θd)∈ℝd, the Jacobi-Perron algorithm and related algorithms, such as Brun's algorithm and Selmer's algorithm, produce a sequence of (d+1)×(d+1) convergent matrices {C(n)(ϕ):n≥1} whose rows provide Diophantine approximations to ϕ. Such algorithms are specified by two mapsT:[0, 1]d→[0, 1]d and A:[0,1]d→GL(d+1,ℤ), which compute convergent matrices C(n)(θ))...A(T(θ))A(θ). The quality of the Diophantine approximations these algorithms find can be measured in two ways. The best approximation exponent is the upper bound of those values of δ for which there is some row of the convergent matrices such that for infinitely many values ofn that row of C(n)(ϕ) has
$$\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^d {\left| {\theta _i - p_i /q} \right| \leqslant q^{ - \delta } } $$
. The uniform approximation exponent is the upper bound of those values of δ such that for all sufficiently large values ofn and all rows of C(n)(ϕ) one has
$$\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^d {\left| {\theta _i - p_i /q_i } \right| \leqslant q^{ - \delta } } $$
. The paper applies Oseledec's multiplicative ergodic theorem to show that for a large class of such algorithms and take constant values and on a set of Lebesgue measure one. It establishes the formula where are the two largest Lyapunov exponents attached by Oseledec's multiplicative ergodic theorem to the skew-product (T, A,dμ), wheredμ is aT-invariant measure, absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. We conjecture that holds for a large class of such algorithms. These results apply to thed-dimensional Jacobi-Perron algorithm and Selmer's algorithm. We show that; experimental evidence of Baldwin (1992) indicates (nonrigorously) that. We conjecture that holds for alld≥2.
Leon Bernstein,et al.
The Jacobi-Perron Algorithm: Its Theory and Application
V. I. Oseledec.
A multiplicative ergodic theorem: Lyapunov characteristic num-bers for dynamical systems
M. Raghunathan.
A proof of Oseledec’s multiplicative ergodic theorem
Wolfgang M. Schmidt,et al.
Dirichlet's theorem on diophantine approximation. II
Fritz Schweiger,et al.
The Metrical Theory of Jacobi-Perron Algorithm
A. Brentjes,et al.
Multi-dimensional continued fraction algorithms
P. Arnoux,et al.
Mesures de Gauss pour des algorithmes de fractions continues multidimensionnelles
P. Billingsley,et al.
Ergodic theory and information
W. M. Schmidt.
Flächenapproximation beim Jacobialgorithmus
P. R. Baldwin,et al.
A Convergence exponent for multidimensional continued-fraction algorithms
George R. Sell,et al.
Ergodic properties of linear dynamical systems
P. Baldwin.
A multidimensional continued fraction and some of its statistical properties
P. Walters.
Introduction to Ergodic Theory
H. D. Ursell,et al.
Continued Fractions in Several Dimensions
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
O. Perron,et al.
Grundlagen für eine Theorie des Jacobischen Kettenbruchalgorithmus