ABSTRACT With support from four NSF awards we aim to develop a prototype digital library in computer scienceand apply it to improve undergraduate education. First, Project Envision, "A User-Centered Database fromthe Computer Science Literature," 1991-94, deals with translation, coding standards including SGML,retrieval Ipreviewing I presentation I browsing I linking,human-computer interaction, and construction ofa partial archive using text and multimedia materials provided by ACM. Second, "Interactive Learning witha Digital Library in Computer Science," 1993-96, supported by NSF and ACM with additional assistancefrom other publishers, focuses on improving learning through delivery of materials from the archive.Third, "Networked Multimedia File System with HyTime," funded by NSF through the SUCCEEDcoalition, considers networking support for distributed multimedia applications and the use of Hylime fordescription of such applications. Fourth, equipment support comes from the InformationAccess Laboratory allotment of the "Interactive Accessibility: Breaking Barriers to the Power ofComputing" grant funded by NSF for 1993-98.In this paper we report on plans and work with digital video relating to these projects. In particular wefocus on our analysis of the requirements for a multimedia digital library in computer science and ourexperience with MPEG as it applies to that library.
[1] Edward A. Fox,et al. What if there were desktop access to the computer science literature? , 1993, CSC '93.