KC-135 Crew Reduction Feasibility Demonstration Simulation Study. Volume 1. Function Analysis and Function Reallocation

Abstract : A function analysis of the four-person crew KC-135 and function reallocation to a three-person crew were completed in support of the KC-l35 Avionics Modernization program. This report is volume one of a three-volume technical report. This effort provided a distribution of functions between automation concepts and the remaining three crewmembers. The function redistribution and automation concepts served as a baseline for a crew station design group to design a cockpit configuration for a three-person crew KC- 1 35 (Vol II). This configuration was then implemented in a simulator at the Crew Station Evaluation Facility (CSEF) for a comprehensive man-in-the-loop simulation evaluation (Vol III). The function analysis and reallocation were the first step towards modifying the KC-135 cockpit and will be instrumental in future KC135 efforts. Function Analysis, Crew Reduction, Function Reallocation, Workload.