Exploring the Ageing Effect of Binder on Skid Resistance Evolution of Asphalt Pavement

ABSTRACT One of the most important safety requirements of a road is its capability of preventing skidding of vehicles. However, this requirement so called “skid resistance” evolves during the whole pavement life. Phenomena that are identified to be responsible of this evolution are binder removal, aggregate polishing and seasonnal variations. In addition, ageing of bitumen is also identified to play a significant role on skid resistance evolution. One of the main results of previous works about skid resistance evolution was a model that takes into account two of the above listed phenomena such as bitumen scrouring and aggregates polishing. This present work is a continuation of the previous ones. It tries to include the effect of ageing in the above model. An updated model of evolution of skid resistance including this latter effect is proposed. This model is composed by a set of elementery functions in which some of them can be easily identified. The model can predict the evolution of skid resistance by combining effects of ageing, polishing and binder removal.