Impact of Potassium on Gasification Reaction and Post-Reaction Strength of Ferro-coke

Ferro-coke refers to a special metallic iron-containing coke that is prepared by the preliminary grinding, mixing and forming of iron ores and coals and the subsequent carbonizing. Its reactivity with CO2 substantially exceeds traditional coke due to the catalytic effect of iron.1,2) Use of highly reactive cokes, including ferro-coke, could improve blast furnace reaction efficiency and decrease energy consumption.3,4) The primary cause is that ferro-coke gasifies at lower temperatures, meaning the temperature of the thermal reserve zone is lower, the equilibrium concentration of CO is smaller and hence the difference between the CO content in gases and its equilibrium value is greater. This will then accelerate the indirect reduction of iron ores and improve the blast furnace efficiency. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation made a study of producing ferro-coke by means of the traditional top-charging cokemaking technology and carried out an industrial trail in a single battery.5) JFE applied the briquetting/shaft furnace process to prepare ferro-coke, and at the end of 2012 FY, 5 day and 43 kg/t ferro-coke charging test was conducted at Chiba BF No. 6 and reduction of RAR (abbreviation of Reducing Agent Impact of Potassium on Gasification Reaction and Post-Reaction Strength of Ferro-coke