Development of Nut-Inlaying Technique in Hydroformed Component by Hydro-Burring
Hydroforming has certain advantages, for example integration of components and weight reduction, but it also has some disadvantages. One disadvantage is the difficulty in joining a hydroformed component to another part. Therefore hydro-burring after hydro-piercing in a hydroforming die has been investigated. The internal pressure during hydro-burring is found to have a large effect on the burring limit. The hydroformed component can be joined to another part with the thread tapped at the hydro-burring portion. However, it is difficult to tap thinwalled tubes. Therefore a new technique, a nut-inlaying method in a hydroformed component, has been developed. As a result, thin-walled hydroformed components can also be joined to other parts using this nut-inlaying method. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.MF201105]