Analysis of Future Requirements for Transportation Rotorcraft in Army CS (Combat Support) and CSS (Combat Service Support) Mission Areas. Volume 1
Abstract : The study investigates requirements for Army rotorcraft for future Combat Support (CS) and Combat Service Support (CSS) missions. Factors considered are the threat, the operational fielded fleets, the technology base, and AirLand Battle 2000 operational concepts. The results of this effort define the cost-effective logistics rotorcraft fleet to perform CS and CSS missions and identifies technology programs for rotorcraft system development. The force structure and the planned rotorcraft fleet size/mix are defined for the 1995- 2015 time frame. Mission requirements, the technology base and the Army aviation structure are discussed. There are transportation mission scenarios that are placed in Europe and NATO countries and Southwest Asia. Keywords: Mission Requirements, Army Aviation, Rotorcraft, Tilt Rotor, Fleet Mix, Logistics Missions, Helicopter Performance, Helicopter Costs.