As embedded software is taking an important part in safety critical filed, how to ensure the safety of safety-critical software has recently become a research focus. Developing safety-critical and highly reliable systems almost always includes significant emphasis on safety analysis and risk assessment. There have been substantial improvements in automation and formalization of other aspects of critical system engineering. However, safety analysis and risk assessment are still largely manual and informal activities and tool support is limited. In this paper, we propose a qualitative safety analysis method of embedded system based on AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language) model. Firstly, we extend the Error Model Annex with the R-FMSE (Risk-based Failure Mode Safety Effect) property to express the failure mode formally. Then, we give a detail illustration for qualitative safety analysis based on AADL model. Thirdly, we give a algorithm to develop a R-FMSE analysis Eclipse plug-in to realize the automation of the method. On using the Isolette system (an infant incubator), a case study is demonstrated the feasibility of this method.
Peter H. Feiler,et al.
Dependability Modeling with the Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL)
Chen Zhe,et al.
Survey on Embedded Software Safety Analysis Standards, Methods and Tools for Airborne System
Peter H. Feiler,et al.
The Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL): An Introduction
Zhou Pei.
A Fast Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Path Between Arbitrary Two Points in a Traffic Road Net
Bin Gu,et al.
A Qualitative Safety Analysis Method for AADL Model
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability-Companion.
Julien Delange,et al.
Architecture Fault Modeling with the AADL Error-Model Annex
2014 40th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.