The SARAF-LINAC Project for SARAF-Phase 2

SNRC and CEA collaborate to the upgrade of the SARAF accelerator to 5 mA CW 40 MeV deuteron and proton beams (Phase 2). This paper presents the reference design of the SARAF-LINAC Project including a fourvane 176 MHz RFQ, a MEBT and a superconducting linac made of four five-meter cryomodules housing 26 superconducting HWR cavities and 20 superconducting solenoids. The first two identical cryomodules house lowbeta ($\beta$opt = 0.091), 280 mm long (flange to flange), 176 MHz HWR cavities, the two identical last cryomodules house high-beta ($\beta$opt = 0.181), 410 mm long, 176 MHz, HWR cavities. The beam is focused with superconducting solenoids located between cavities housing steering coils. A BPM is placed upstream each solenoid.