Every Pixel Counts: Unsupervised Geometry Learning with Holistic 3D Motion Understanding

Learning to estimate 3D geometry in a single image by watching unlabeled videos via deep convolutional network has made significant process recently. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, are based on the learning framework of rigid structure-from-motion, where only 3D camera ego motion is modeled for geometry estimation. However, moving objects also exist in many videos, e.g. moving cars in a street scene. In this paper, we tackle such motion by additionally incorporating per-pixel 3D object motion into the learning framework, which provides holistic 3D scene flow understanding and helps single image geometry estimation. Specifically, given two consecutive frames from a video, we adopt a motion network to predict their relative 3D camera pose and a segmentation mask distinguishing moving objects and rigid background. An optical flow network is used to estimate dense 2D per-pixel correspondence. A single image depth network predicts depth maps for both images. The four types of information, i.e. 2D flow, camera pose, segment mask and depth maps, are integrated into a differentiable holistic 3D motion parser (HMP), where per-pixel 3D motion for rigid background and moving objects are recovered. We design various losses w.r.t. the two types of 3D motions for training the depth and motion networks, yielding further error reduction for estimated geometry. Finally, in order to solve the 3D motion confusion from monocular videos, we combine stereo images into joint training. Experiments on KITTI 2015 dataset show that our estimated geometry, 3D motion and moving object masks, not only are constrained to be consistent, but also significantly outperforms other SOTA algorithms, demonstrating the benefits of our approach.

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