Development and evaluation of an individualized patient education program about digoxin.

A study was undertaken to (1) develop an individualized audiovisual patient education program about digoxin and congestive heart failure, and (2) ascertain whether a patient who received the education program from a pharmacist would demonstrate a significantly greater gain in knowledge about digoxin and congestive heart failure than a traditionally-educated patient. The education program consisted of a slide/tape audiovisual presentation which was reinforced by the pharmacist presenting the program at the patient's bedside. Each patient was randomly assigned to either the study group or control group of patients. A 27-question pretest was given to both the control and study groups of patients to determine their baseline knowledge of congestive heart failure and digoxin therapy. Only the study group of patients received the individualized education program. All patients were then given a posttest to determine the degree of learning that took place during their hospital stay. The patients who received the individualized digoxin education program from a pharmacist demonstrated a significantly greater gain in knowledge about digoxin and congestive heart failure than traditionally-educated patients. It is suggested that hospital pharmacists should deliver an individualized education program to patients taking digoxin during their hospital stay.