Cell-accurate optical mapping across the entire developing heart

Organogenesis depends on orchestrated interactions between individual cells and morphogenically relevant cues at the tissue level. This is true for the heart, whose function critically relies on well-ordered communication between neighbouring cells, which is established and fine-tuned during development. For an integrated understanding of the development of structure and function, we need to move from isolated snap-shot observations of either microscopic or macroscopic parameters to simultaneous and, ideally continuous, cell-to-organ scale imaging. We introduce cell-accurate three-dimensional Ca2+-mapping of all cells in the entire heart during the looping stage in live embryonic zebrafish, using high-speed light sheet microscopy and tailored image processing and analysis. We show how myocardial region-specific heterogeneity in cell function emerges during early development and how structural patterning goes hand-in-hand with functional maturation of the entire heart. Our method opens the way to systematic, scale-bridging, in vivo studies of vertebrate organogenesis by cell-accurate structure-function mapping across entire organs.

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