Alloys of gallium with powdered metals as possible replacement for dental amalgam.

j. Histopathologic studies arc sparse. Although there is no evidence of tissue reaction in one study, other authors find that there are osteoclastic changes where the fit, in relation to the bone, is inac­ curate. These same authors also find that there is a downgrowth of epithelium around the abutments which eventually might cause a tissue exfoliation of the implant itself. There is a great need for further in vivo studies. 6. A method for surgical implantation of full lower dentures now seems to exist. It must be understood that the patients must be selected carefully and that the profession must be willing to accept some failures. There are numerous implant dentures which have been in place five years or longer, however, so that investi­ gators can begin to feel a certain security in recommending the technic where all other methods have failed.