A review of the past, present and future of the European loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries

Part 1 Volume I: theme 1 - safety, management systems, human reliability - process safety of polymer resin manufacturing - a 20-year perspective, A.S. Balchan et al control system and emergency plan in petrochemical plant, Y. Uehara using a task inventory to develop a more effective incident reporting system, A.J. Brazier and J.M. Black about handling and storage of liquefied gases and volatile liquids safety aspects, F. Degreef and A. Maes theme 2 - hazards research - improved safety of chemical processes by on-line supervision using advanced software tools, L. Hub safety of chlorination reactions, J.L. Gustin and A. Fines validation of mathematical models using wind-tunnel data sets for dense gas dispersion in the presence of obstacles, J. Havens et al the effect of obstacles on dense gas clouds, N.J. Duijm et al theme 3 - methods for safe design, prevention and protection - the safe handling of exothermic reactions and the safe discharge from pressure-relief devices, S. Dress theoretical and experimental investigation of the processes during reactor top venting of a thermal runaway reaction, G. Wehmeier et al the influence of non-equilibrium vapour generation on transient level swell during pressure relief of liquefied gases, B. Boesmans and J. Berghmans design of centrifugal separators for emergency vent line systems, J. Schmidt et al theme 4 - risk assessment, including consequence models - hazard identification and evaluation at plant level, J. Suokas computer-aided HAZOP with knowledge-based identification of hazardous event claims, P. Heino et al process safety artificial intelligence system, J.W. Sanders the representation and propagation of parametric uncertainties in consequence models for quantified risk assessment, J. Quelch and I.T. Cameron. Part 2 volume II. theme 1 - safety, management systems, human reliability - the AVRIM safety inspection method, J.I.H. Oh internal control system at three Finnish explosives factories, J. Karhulahti toxic and inflammable/explosive chemicals - a Swedish manual for risk assessment, R. Forsen the role of predictive maintenance in work accident prevention, I. Cheema theme 2 - hazards research - runaway reaction hazard assessment based on the recognition of dangerous process situations or process deviations choice of prevention and mitigation measures, J.L. Gustin further development of the unified dispersion model, J. Cook and J.L. Woodward application of the one-dimensional model UPMFIRE to calculate jet fire characteristics and its interaction with obstacles, A. Crespo et al experimental research of heavy gas dispersion mechanism and creation of advanced tool for vapor cloud dispersion modelling, O.V. Dobrocheev et al theme 3 - methods for safe design, prevention and protection - safety valve reliability, A.B. Smith DACALS - a simple verified VCE model, F.K. Crawley et al. (Part contents).