Quality-Detection for Boom Cylinder Remanufactured Products

* please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk Keywords: Remanufacturing; Quality-Detection; Boom Cylinder; Wheel Loader. Abstract. In order to guarantee the quality, functionalities and characteristics of remanufacture d products, the quality-detection is obligatory and important. A research on quality-detection for boom cylinder remanufactured products is accomplished in this paper. Remanufacturing technological requirements of boom cylinder is introduced. Methods and standards of quality-detection for boom cylinder remanufactured products are built. A set of remanufactured boom cylinder is chosen randomly and tested on special equipment made by enterprise independently. The testing results show that this remanufactured products are qualified for all testing metrics. Tests and application results show that the remanufactured products performs similarly to a new one, with the same quality, functionalities and characteristics. With this warranty that remanufactured products can really meet the client's needs. It is feasible that methods and standards of quality-detection we proposed in this paper for remanufactured boom cylinder.