Cyclostationary noise modeling in narrowband powerline communication for Smart Grid applications

A Smart Grid intelligently monitors and controls energy flows in an electric grid. Having up-to-date distributed readings of grid conditions helps utilities efficiently scale generation up or down to meet demand. Narrowband powerline communication (PLC) systems can provide these up-to-date readings from subscribers to the local utility over existing power lines. A key challenge in PLC systems is overcoming additive non-Gaussian noise. In this paper, we propose to use a cyclostationary model for the dominant component of additive non-Gaussian noise. The key contributions are (1) fitting measured data from outdoor narrowband PLC system field trials to a cyclostationary model, and (2) developing a cyclostationary noise generation model that fits measured data. We found that the period in the cyclostationary model matched half of the period of the main powerline frequency, which is consistent with previous work in indoor PLC additive noise modeling.