Design of TES microcalorimeters requires a tradeoff between resolution and dynamic range. Often, experimenters will require linearity for the highest energy signals, which requires additional heat capacity be added to the detector. This results in a reduction of low energy resolution in the detector. We derive and demonstrate an algorithm that allows operation far into the nonlinear regime with little loss in spectral resolution. We use a least squares optimal filter that varies with photon energy to accommodate the nonlinearity of the detector and the non-stationarity of the noise. The fitting process we use can be seen as an application of differential geometry. This recognition provides a set of well-developed tools to extend our work to more complex situations. The proper calibration of a nonlinear microcalorimeter requires a source with densely spaced narrow lines. A pulsed laser multi-photon source is used here, and is seen to be a powerful tool for allowing us to develop practical systems with significant detector nonlinearity. The combination of our analysis techniques and the multi-photon laser source create a powerful tool for increasing the performance of future TES microcalorimeters.
Aaron J. Miller,et al.
Noise-free high-efficiency photon-number-resolving detectors
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Extending single-photon optimized superconducting transition edge sensors beyond the single-photon counting regime
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Compact cryogenic self-aligning fiber-to-detector coupling with losses below one percent.
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Aaron J. Miller,et al.
Counting near-infrared single-photons with 95% efficiency.
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Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano,et al.
Pulse estimation in nonlinear detectors with nonstationary noise