Using Genetic Algorithm for Hybrid Modes of Collaborative Filtering in Online Recommenders

Online recommenders are usually referred to those used in e-Commerce websites for suggesting a product or service out of many choices. The core technology implemented behind this type of recommenders includes content analysis, collaborative filtering and some hybrid variants. Since they all have certain strengths and limitations, combining them may be a promising solution provided there is a way of overcoming a large amount of input variables especially from combining different techniques. Genetic algorithm (GA) is an ideal optimization search function, for finding a best recommendation out of a large population of variables. In this paper we presented a GA-based approach for supporting combined modes of collaborative filtering. In particular, we show that how the input variables can be coded into GA chromosomes in various modes. Insights of how GA can be used in recommenders are derived through our experiments with the input data taken from Movielens and IMDB.

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