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A study on the Seeking self-reflective writing plan.(Centering on the writing to self-introduction) This paper, considering actual example, gropes for some way of class model at a college writing class. In order to lead learners from the stage of teacher-leading to that of self-leading in working out task, two way of teaching method are possible. These are self-reflection writing and writing instruction. The following is an confirmed out come through this paper. First, the self-reflexive writing goals and directions of the guidance through status and currently writing skills and their students" interest in, and self-confidence were studied. Furthermore, step-by-step problem-solving process of writing to guide the path was through the writing may inspire motivation. Moreover, to allow students what to do for yourself for specific disorders, were willing to express it. Communities and their appearance with a new perspective of looking back and reflect on a serious look like instrument made out his identity shall be able to establish considered. Second, the self-reflective writing through a specific teaching plan and teaching methods to improve writing skills problem. Self-reflexive writing goals and direction of the remedies set of detailed strategies to guide the activities of each stage, or the right of self-directed learners through dialogue technique that enables the writing stage. This allows to perform the critical reading and writing skills in the process of self -reflective writing might be improved, but also greatly reduces many of the capital of any specific degradation was confirmed. In other words, students can lead the class in a climate that was fully express their thoughts and you can express that instilled confidence. Measures proposed in this paper is the real teacher-learners in useful, and look forward to writing education has expanded deeper you want to finish the article.