청주지구 다짐화강토의 거동특성
This paper aimed at predicting the behaviour of stress-strain relation of decomposed granite soil using single work hardening constitutive model by Lade. Sample soil is weathered granite soil that be founded at Cheongju district. To determine soil parameters, isotropic consolidation tests and cylinderical triaxial compression tests are performed, at this time it was maintained compaction energy of 95% on the laboratory testing in order to regulate fracture effect by virtue of the compaction. In the deformation analysis of foundation, it was vertified by the model loading test through centrifuge test that maintained stress in situ as being laboratory test that deformation value of foundation was predicted. Basic physical properties is determined by geotchnical tests, and for application of constitutive model with multiple intersecting yeild surface, it keep constant compaction energy and then determined soil parameter(14) needed in constitutive model. The centrifuge test was tested for behaviour analysis of foundation.