Expert Consensus on Achieving Optimal Outcomes With Absorbable Suspension Suture Technology for Tissue Repositioning and Facial Recontouring.

A complete approach to facial rejuvenation includes restoration of the skin's surface, relaxation of muscles that contribute to hyperkinetic movement, revolumization, and repositioning/recontouring of descended tissues and fat pads. After receiving 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2015, the Silhouette InstaLift™ absorbable suspension suture became the only available non-surgical technique for repositioning of facial tissue. In January 2017, a consensus paper presented a review of the literature on the efficacy and safety of absorbable suspension sutures and provided information on treatment procedures. Since that time, the clinical experience of the authors has further shaped their treatment practices, highlighting the need for additional guidelines to support an optimal treatment approach. This update will expand upon the 2017 consensus paper on the safety and efficacy of absorbable suspension sutures and provide guidance for obtaining consistently high patient satisfaction with the procedure. Recommendations are based on the extensive clinical experience of expert physicians with absorbable suspension sutures over the past 2.5 years. Here, the authors provide guidance on full face assessment and treatment to support maximum benefit and provide patient selection and procedural recommendations. In addition, the authors stress the benefits of the dual mechanisms of action within the absorbable suspension suture: the immediate lift and volumizing over time that together lead to the outcome of recontouring. J Drugs Dermatol. 2018;17(6):647-655.