Load factor calibration for the proposed 2005 edition of the National Building Code of Canada: Companion-action load combinations

The 2005 edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) will adopt a companion-action format for load combinations and specify wind and snow loads based on their 50 year return period values. This paper presents the calibration of these factors, based on statistics for dead load, live load due to use and occupancy, snow load, and wind load, which are summarized in a companion paper. A target reliability index of approximately 3 for a design life of 50 years was adopted for consistency with the 1995 NBCC. The load combinations and load factors for strength and stability checks recommended for the 2005 NBCC were based on preliminary values from reliability analysis that were subsequently revised slightly to address major inconsistencies with past practice. The recommended load combinations and factors generally give factored load effects similar to those in the 1995 NBCC, but are up to 10% more severe for the combination of dead load plus snow load and are generally less severe for the combination o...