Diffraction-limited imaging with very large telescopes

I: Basic principles.- to Fourier Optics and Coherence.- Optical Propagation and Image Formation Through the Turbulent Atmosphere.- Radio Telescopes: Basic Concepts.- Continuously Movable Telescopes for Optical Interferometry.- II: Module and phase estimation, image reconstruction.- Amplitude Estimation from Speckle Interferometry.- Notes on Noise Calibration of Speckle Imagery.- Amplitude Estimation from Diluted Array Interferometry.- First Order Imaging Methods: An Introduction.- Speckle Imaging with the Papa Detector and the Knox-Thompson Algorithm.- Phase Closure Imaging - Theory & Practice.- Speckle Masking, Speckle Spectroscopy, and Optical Aperture Synthesis.- Merits of Phase Restoration Methods.- Pupil-Plane Interferometry.- Real-Time Wavefront Sensing and Adaptive Optics.- Differential Interferometry.- Image Restoration.- Deconvolution Ancient and (Very) Modern.- III: Scientific and technical prospects.- Astrophysical Programs for High Angular Resolution Optical Interferometry.- Frontiers of Interferometry.- Perspectives in Optical Interferometry.- IV: Contributed seminars and posters.- Cophasing Telescope Arrays.- Some Thoughts on the Combination of Beams in Interferometers Using Telescopes of Unequal Size.- Real-Time Image Sharpening.- Scasis, Diffraction-Limited Imaging Using a Redundant Pupil Plane-Interferometer.- Aperture Synthesis in Space: Overview and Results from the Esa Study Group.- Estimation and Reconstruction from Aberrated Amplitude Interferometer Measurements.- Lunar Occultations or Milliarcsecond Resolution and Their Relation to Interferometric Techniques at Present and in Future.- List of posters.