Gastric mucosal lesions in dogs with acute intervertebral disc disease: characterization and effects of omeprazole or misoprostol.
We characterized gastric mucosal lesions in dogs with acute degenerative disc disease treated by surgery and corticosteroid administration. The effect of omeprazole and misoprostol on gastric lesions in these dogs was also evaluated. Dogs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups or to the control group. Treatment consisted of omeprazole at 0.7 mg/kg orally once daily, or misoprostol at 2 microg/kg orally 3 times daily. All 3 groups received dexamethasone at 2 mg/kg on day 0, prednisolone at 2 mg/kg on day 1. prednisolone at 1 mg/kg on day 2, and prednisolone at 0.5 mg/kg on all further days (range, 5-6 days). Endoscopic examination was performed on day 0 and 5-6 days later. Four regions of the stomach were qualitatively scored from 1 to 12 based on the presence of submucosal hemorrhage, erosion, or ulceration, with ulceration receiving the highest numerical score. Nineteen of 25 dogs had gastric mucosal lesions at the beginning of the study. No significant difference was found in the gastric lesion score among the 3 groups at the end of the study. Gastric mucosal lesions were concluded to be common in dogs with acute degenerative disc disease treated with corticosteroids. Neither omeprazole nor misoprostol at the doses used was effective in healing or preventing the further development of gastric mucosal lesions.