Consuming Interests: The Social Provision of Foods
List of figures List of tables List of abbreviations Preface Food and the State, The State of Food 6L Chapter 1: Introduction Section 1 Concepts and framework Chapter 2 Food policy and regulation Chapter 3 Restructuring and retailing Chapter 4 Citizenship, consumption and food rights Section 2 National strategies Chapter 5 Food consumers: the limits of formal and collective representaion Chapter 6 The retailers: the emergence of retailer-led food governance Chapter 7 Evolving models of food regulation Section 3 Local strategies Chapter 8 Local retail-consumption spaces and hierarchies Chapter 9 The nationalisation of food regulation: coping with space Chapter 10 The local regulatory interface: enforcement practice on the ground Chapter 11 Conculsions: retailing, regulation and consumption Appendix: The social research methods employed in the study. Bibliography