FFUSION Research Programme 1993-1998, Final Report of the Finnish Fusion Research Programme

[1]  Confinement of high-current steady-state ELMy H-modes with the JET Mark II divertor , 1998 .

[2]  H. Zohm,et al.  Ion orbit loss current in ASDEX upgrade , 1998 .

[3]  Ion cyclotron minority ion heating in the presence of lower hybrid waves , 1996 .


[5]  F. Rimini,et al.  ICRF Heating of JET Plasmas with the Third-Harmonic Deuterium Resonance , 1998 .

[6]  Georg Kühner,et al.  High-confinement NBI discharges in the W7-AS stellarator , 1998 .

[7]  Choice of constants of motion coordinates in numerical solving of the three-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation for tokamaks , 1997 .

[8]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Magnetic field tapering in the KfK coaxial gyrotron , 1995 .

[9]  Jukka Heikkinen,et al.  Effect of antenna orientation and plasma anisotropy on the directivity of fast wave antenna radiation , 1995 .

[10]  M. E. Read,et al.  Theory of gyrotrons with coaxial resonators , 1994 .

[11]  Timo Kiviniemi,et al.  Test particle simulation of non-ambipolar ion diffusion in tokamaks , 2000 .

[12]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Eccentricity of the electron beam in a gyrotron cavity , 1994 .

[13]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Kinetic model of collective scattering off fast ion generated electromagnetic fluctuations in magnetized Vlasov plasma , 1996 .

[14]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Two‐harmonic prebunching of electrons in multicavity gyrodevices , 1995 .

[15]  Taina Kurki-Suonio,et al.  Ripple-trapped beam ions in the presence of a radial electric field , 1998 .

[16]  O. Dumbrajs A multifrequency gyrotron for plasma heating and diagnostics , 1997 .

[17]  Manfred Thumm,et al.  Gyrotrons for technological applications , 1994 .

[18]  T. Osborne,et al.  High and very high modes from energy, particle, and momentum transport models , 1994 .

[19]  Ambrogio Fasoli,et al.  Evidence for a Wave-Induced Particle Pinch in the Presence of Toroidally Asymmetric ICRF Waves , 1998 .

[20]  Gregory S. Nusinovich,et al.  Effect of technical noise on radiation linewidth in free-running gyrotron oscillators , 1997 .

[21]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Tunable coaxial gyrotron for plasma heating and diagnostics , 1998 .

[22]  Taina Kurki-Suonio,et al.  The Effect of a Radial Electric Field on Ripple-Trapped Ions Observed by Neutral Particle Fluxes , 1997 .

[23]  G. Nusinovich Theory of Gyro-Backward Wa ered Magnetic Fi Waveguide Cross Secti , 1996 .

[24]  F. G. Rimini,et al.  D-T fusion with ion cyclotron resonance heating in the JET tokamak , 1998 .

[25]  T. Kurki-Suonio,et al.  The time behaviour of radial electric fields at the L-H transition from the observation of ripple-trapped ions , 1998 .

[26]  M. Mantsinen,et al.  Transients in D-T and D-3He Tokamak Fusion Reactors , 1998 .

[27]  Taina Kurki-Suonio,et al.  Fast response in the ripple trapped ion distribution to abrupt changes in a radial electric field in tokamaks , 1998 .

[28]  Monte Carlo simulation of minority ion bootstrap current by off-axis ion cyclotron heating in tokamaks , 1997 .

[29]  M. Shoucri,et al.  Collisionless diffusion of particles and current across a magnetic field in beam/plasma interaction , 1996 .

[30]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Insert misalignment in coaxial cavities and its influence on gyrotron operation , 1997 .

[31]  A. Dangor,et al.  Observations of relativistic plasma waves excited by a and laser beat , 1996 .

[32]  O. Dumbrajs,et al.  Design of a 3-MW 140-GHz gyrotron with a coaxial cavity , 1996 .

[33]  Analysis of fast minority ion distribution and current generation for ICRF and LH heating , 1996 .

[34]  D. Moreau,et al.  Generation of hot spots by fast electrons in lower hybrid grills , 1998 .