Line Positions and Strengths of N(2)O between 3515 and 7800 cm(-1).

The line positions and strengths of N(2)O were measured from absorption spectra obtained at high spectral resolution (0.011 cm(-1)) in the region between 3515 and 7800 cm(-1). Measurements include line frequencies and strengths of several N(2)O isotopes, a few of which are reported for the first time, to my knowledge. Also in this category are two pi-pi bands, six Delta-Delta bands, and five Sigma-Sigma bands of (14)N(2)(16)O. Measurements also include eight (14)N(2)(16)O bands of which several transitions of each band were perturbed due to resonance interactions with transitions of a perturbing band. For most cases, the positions and strengths of the strongest interacting transitions of the perturbing bands were measured. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.