Assessment of good environmental practices in abattoirs

As abattoirs may have a very significant negative impact on the environment, the aim of this study was to assess the implementation of their Good Environmental Practices related to the usage of energy, usage of water, waste management and waste water management. Questionnaires were developed and Good Environmental Practices were assessed through interviewing of the abattoirs management responsible for environmental issues and through on-site checks in seven abattoirs on the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Good Environmental Practices in the usage of energy, usage of water, waste management and waste water management were on average implemented in 81.4, 48.6, 94.3 and 74.3%, respectively, with significant differences between abattoirs. The study is useful as a basis for discussion in order to improve environmental practices in abattoirs. Both meat industry and public would benefit from implementation of Environmental Management System in meat industry sector.