Digitized Sonar Data Log. Part I
Abstract : This is the first of several collections of various types of digital data obtained by the Signal Physics Division of Applied Research Laboratories (ARL). Future data will not be restricted to echoes but will also contain collections of reverberation data. The digitized echoes were generated by the ASPECT (Acoustical Short Pulse Echo Classification Technique) mode of the AN/SQS-23 sonar. Echoes from targets corresponding to three target aspect angles are presented. This set of data should prove valuable to those persons doing research in signal processing since use of the digital computer now has a prominent role in this field. The data are readily available since they are stored on ARL's digital tapes which can be easily duplicated. Detailed records of these signals are included. These records provide information pertaining to the transmit signals, target geometry, digitizing technique, etc. Since the echoes were generated by the ASPECT transmission mode, a high data rate of information from the target is available in that the pulses within a burst of transmitted waveforms are separated by only 375 msec.