SAU-Net: A Universal Deep Network for Cell Counting

Image-based cell counting is a fundamental yet challenging task with wide applications in biological research. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Network designed to universally solve this problem for various cell types. Specifically, we first extend the segmentation network, U-Net with a Self-Attention module, named SAU-Net, for cell counting. Second, we design an online version of Batch Normalization to mitigate the generalization gap caused by data augmentation in small datasets. We evaluate the proposed method on four public cell counting benchmarks - synthetic fluorescence microscopy (VGG) dataset, Modified Bone Marrow (MBM) dataset, human subcutaneous adipose tissue (ADI) dataset, and Dublin Cell Counting (DCC) dataset. Our method surpasses the current state-of-the-art performance in the three real datasets (MBM, ADI and DCC) and achieves competitive results in the synthetic dataset (VGG). The source code is available at

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