Die Integration von Luft- und Raumflugverkehr
Commercial Space Transportation becomes an international business and requires landing opportunities all over the world. Hence the integration of space vehicles in other airspace than the US NAS is an important topic to be considered. The Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR) is preparing the implementation of a new ATM system in Europe. The requirements are defined by the concept of the shared Business Trajectory and System Wide Information Management (SWIM).
Space vehicle operations are associated with the requested need for submitting an Mishap Investigation Plan (MIP), containing responding and reporting procedures referring to possible reentry or launch incidents or accidents. This leads to the submission of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), addressing information procedures about a planned Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) mission of the airspace alerting and emergency services.
This paper describes the integration of the above mentioned services in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) information exchange concept of SWIM. As especially the approaches to landing sites in Europe mostly will be over sea areas, the safety and security of the maritime traffic has to be considered.