Learning strategies and learning styles

An Introduction to Strategies and Styles of Learning R.R. Schmeck. Motivational Factors in Students' Approaches to Learning N. Entwistle. Describing and Improving Learning F. Marton. Learning Strategies, Teaching Strategies, and Conceptual or Learning Style G. Pask. Simultaneous-Successive Processing and Planning J.P. Das. Students' Self-Concepts and the Quality of Learning in Public Schools and Universities P. McCarthy, R.R. Schmeck. Applications of the Concepts of Strategy and Style: Context and Strategy: Situational Influences on Learning P. Ramsden. Approaches to Learning and Essay Writing J. Biggs. Style, Strategy, and Skill in Reading J. Kirby. Styles of Thinking and Creativity P. Torrance, Z. Rockenstein. Assessment and Training of Student Learning Strategies C. Weinstein. Strategies and Styles of Learning: An Integration of Varied Perspectives R.R. Schmeck. Index.