Reaction time on fencing and karate high level athletes

The great speed of the actions in combat sports makes very difficult to react quickJy without mistakes. If the fighter had longer time to react, their reaction would be more accurate. This fact gives relevance to choice lime reaction (CRT) studies on these kinds of sports. The importance of the athletes1 physical or psychological abilities varies depending on the sporl played. According to the requirements of the speciality, players who reach Ihe maximum level will be those who have the characteristics requested to compete on it. These abilities could be innate or "life-long" acquired by training. Previous studies have not confirmed yet in which sports reaction time is more important, in addition, previous measurements should be considered with caution because some of Ihem included movement time in the reaction time results (Martmez de Quel, 2003). An approach to gel further knowledge about this subject, it is comparing the results of e\perts in two or more disciplines with unspecific tests, in which previous sport experience is not required in order to perform the lest.