Behavioral disorders in children born with infertility treatments compared with children born with natural methods

Introduction Today children are the future builders of society and they play a pivotal role in human societies. Thus, in developing countries, children make almost 50% of total population (1). Thus, the health and sickness of this large group play an important role in the health and sickness of future society and generations. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to mental and physical health of this group and take step toward prevention and treatment of diseases and mental and behavioral disorders. Children’s behavioral problems are common and debilitating disorders can cause problems for families and children (2). Children with behavioral disorders have their own problems and they suffer from lack of attention, low self-esteem, poor social relationships, and high failure. If such behavioral patterns continue, they may lead to major compatibility problems and the reduction in quality of life during the child future (3). Childhood is the most important stage of life in which an individual’s personality is founded and shaped. Most behavioral disorders and conflicts after childhood are due to the lack of attention to the critical period of childhood and lack of proper guidance in the process of growth and evolution that leads to the lack of compromise and compatibility with the environment and outbreak of different disorders in various aspects of childhood (4). All children sometimes show a maladaptive behavior, while this is considered as an abnormal behavior which happens repeatedly and it interferes with their functions or other’s. Desire to have children is a general demand and the sadness of infertility is regarded as a major crisis in life. The prevalence of infertility in different countries varies between 30%-50%, and on this basis it Original Article