A field deployable hyperspectral imager utilizing chromotomography (CT), with a direct vision prism (DVP) as the dispersive element, has been constructed at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). A "shift and add" reconstruction algorithm was used to resolve spectral and spatial content of the collected data. The AFIT instrument is currently the fastest known imaging DVP based hyperspectral CT instrument of its type and is a prototype for a space-based system. The imager captured images at rates up to 900 frames per second (fps) and acquired data cube information in 55 ms, during testing. This instrument has the ability to capture spatial and spectral data of static and transient scenes. During testing, the imager captured spectral data of a rapidly evolving scene (a firecracker detonation) lasting approximately 0.12 s. Spectral results included potassium and sodium emission lines present during the explosion and an absorption feature as the fireball extinguishes. Spatial and spectral reconstruction of a scene in which an explosion occurs during the middle of the collection period is also presented in this paper. The instrument is capable of acquiring data required to identify, classify and characterize transient battlespace events, such as explosions.