A TFSK transceiver combining (n, n(n-1), n-1) permutation group codes with MFSK

A novel transceiver of combining (n, n(n-1), n-1) permutation group code (PGC) with multiple frequency shift keying (MFSK) modulation was designed for high reliability against non-hostile man-made multiple frequency interferences and multipath fading on wireless channels. The combination of PGC and MFSK generates a new coded modulation scheme, named as time-frequency shift keying (TFSK), which can execute the techniques of time diversity and frequency diversity defined on a permutation matrix. We mainly studied two key techniques of the TFSK transceiver: low complexity TFSK coded modulation system and simplified decoding algorithm based on the minimum Hamming distance. The vigorous anti-jamming mechanism of the TFSK transceiver has benefited from the error correcting ability (n-2) of the (n, n(n-1), n-1) PGC when code length n is a prime number.