인터넷 탐색엔진에 관한 연구

The main purpose of this study is ① to settle and to analyze the classification of the Internet Search Engine comparitively, and ② to build the compatible model of Internet Search Engine classification in order to seek information on the Internet resources, specially in the branch of the Computers and Internet areas. For this study, four Internet Search Engine (Excite, I-Detect, Simmany, Yahoo Korea!), Inspec Classification and two distionaries were used. The major findings and result of analysis are summarized as follows: 1. The basis of the classification is the scope of topics, the system logic, the clearness, the efficiency. 2. The scope of topics is analyzed comparitively by the number of items from each Search Engine. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four. 3. The system logic is analyzed comparitively by the casuality, balance and consistency of the items from each Search Engine. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four. 4. The clearness is analyzed comparitively by the clearness and accuracy of items, the recognition of the searchers. In the result, Excite is the most superior of the four. 5. The efficiency is analyzed comparitively by the exactness of indexing and decreasing the effort of the searchers. In the result, Yahoo Korea! is the most superior of the four. 6. The compatible model of Internet Search Engine classification is estavlished to uplift the scope of topics, the system logic, the clearness. and the efficiency. The model divides the area mainly based upon the topics and resources using ‘bookmark’ and ‘shadow’ concept.