Optimization of 808 nm DBR RW Laser Bars for Operation at Low Noise and High Reliability

In view of recent advances of coherent optical communications in space there is an increasing demand for reliable lasers for low noise pumping of solid state lasers. In laser communication terminals Nd doped ring resonators are pumped by externally wavelength stabilized 808 nm lasers with an optical power of a few hundred milliwatts. Those laser devices suffer from intensity noise originating from competition and switching of longitudinal and lateral optical modes in the low frequency range up to about 1 MHz [1]. In this contribution we present the design as well as electro-optical and life test data of different types of distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) ridge waveguide (RW) laser bars providing single mode emission with low intensity noise. For the first time acceleration parameters of degradation by thermal activation and operational stress were derived for DBR RW laser bars from life tests with test durations of nearly one year.