Distribution of atrial and nodal cells within the rabbit sinoatrial node: models of sinoatrial transition.

BACKGROUND In the sinoatrial node (SAN) the course of the action potential gradually changes from the primary pacemaker region toward the atrium. It is not known whether this gradient results from different intrinsic characteristics of the nodal cells, from an increasing electrotonic interaction with the atrium, or from both. Therefore we have characterized the immunohistochemical, morphological, and electrophysiological correlates of this functional gradient. METHODS AND RESULTS The distribution of rabbit nodal myocytes in the SAN has been studied by immunohistochemistry. After cell isolation, the electrophysiological characteristics of different nodal cell types were measured. (1) The staining pattern of a neurofilament protein coincides with the electrophysiologically mapped pacemaker region in the SAN. (2) Enzymatic digestion of the SAN reveals three morphologically different nodal cell types and one atrial type. Of each nodal cell type, neurofilament-positive as well as neurofilament-negative myocytes are found. Atrial cells are all neurofilament-negative. (3) In contrast to previous findings, we observed atrial cells in the very center of the SAN. The relative number of atrial cells gradually increases from the central pacemaker area toward the atrium. (4) Differences in electrophysiological characteristics between individual nodal cells are not associated with differences in cell type. CONCLUSIONS (1) The expression of neurofilaments can be used to delineate the nodal area in the intact SAN but is not sufficiently sensitive for characterizing all individual isolated nodal cells. (2) A fundamentally different organization of the SAN is presented: The gradual increase in density of atrial cells from the dominant area toward the crista terminalis in the SAN causes a gradual increase of atrial electrotonic influence that may be an important cause of the gradual transition of the nodal to the atrial type of action potential.

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