This article provide maximum preventive control, high performance and fault tolerance at an optimal resources, cost, time with high availability and quality of services to be invested into dynamic security mechanisms deciding on the measure component of real time operating system resources (Shell, File, Memory, Processor, Kernel, Encryption key, I/O devices). The authors have to define, design, develop and deploy our valuable idea to be optimizing the technology, resource, cost and maximize the throughput, productivity of business all together at anytime and anywhere in around the globe by applying this integrated dynamic model. This dynamic model interfacing, integrating, communicating, synchroning, preventing and optimize step by step through real time algebraic method over a RTOS on distributed super scalar environment (MIMD). This proposed dynamic algebraic model would be preventing the data and services on RTOS from uncertainty, unorder, unsetup, unsafe and external hackers. Mean while this model would be identifying vulnerabilities and threats on operating system resources to achieving the highest business objectives by utilizing the efficient and reliable resources management. The authors have to optimized the system attacks and down time by verification and validation of this method on complex heterogonous infrastructure.
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Supply Risk Management Process: Modeling Enablers to Develop a Structural Framework
Bernard Kolman,et al.
Discrete Mathematical Structures
William Stallings,et al.
Cryptography and network security
Jameson M. Wetmore,et al.
Encyclopedia of information ethics and security
Edgar G. Goodaire,et al.
Discrete Mathematics With Graph Theory
N. M. Sheikh.
Advance Computer Architecture