[SA8 프로세스 모델링 및 혁신] 컴포넌트 기반 비즈니스 프로세스 모델링을 위한 EDOC-BP 프로파일의 확장

As eTransformation and collaborative eCommerce have been on the rise, business processes between business partners are increasingly recognized as important assets that need to be integrated. These trends imply more complex and dynamic business processes should be considered in order to integrate related business organizations and business units. Moreover, these business processes are widely distributed across stakeholders. Therefore, there is a need for business process modeling that is usable, flexible and capable of integrating systems consistently across businesses and technology barriers. In this paper, a business process modeling methodology is introduced, which is based on topdown and model-driven approach utilizing OMG's MDA(Model-Driven Architecture) and UML profile for EDOC(Enterprise Distributed Object Computing). This provides the ability to model business process at all levels simultaneously, to combine business process models retaining their meaning, to use business process design patterns constraining the behavior of sub-processes, and to derive specific codes from a stable model as the underlying infrastructure shifts over time. In addition, we suggest some modifications of the meta-model for EDOC-Business Process Profile by adding new features in order to model business processes rigidly. This paper illustrates some examples of business process modeling and compares them with UML diagrams and IDEF models. The proposed methodology is implemented to develop a business process modeling tool.