Hydroxyapatite Coated Porous Alumina as a New Orbital Implant

Abstract. A synthetic hydroxyapatite coated porous alumina ocular orbital impla nt w s developed by polymeric sponge method in order to overcome shortcoming of current corall ine HA implant and to obtain secure attachment of extraocular muscles and fibrovascular i n-growth. It allows porous alumina skeletal to be a load bearing member and synthetic HA coat ing l yer to provide biocompatibility and long-term stability in an eye. It was found that slower heating rate of < 1°C/min at 280°C400°Cwas effective to achieve a dense porous alumina skeletal, and defects on as-sintered alumina skeletal was considerably decreased by the second coating of alumina slurry and sintering. The thickness of coated HA layer was about 20 μm with relatively good bonding to alumina skeletal. From in-vivo study, fibrovascularization was noted at periphery of the implant 2 we eks after implantation in all of the three groups, and to the center of the impla nt 4 and 12 weeks after implantation. This fibrovascularization was most predominant in 500 μm por e-sized group compared to the rest two groups. It is believed that HA coated porous alumina w ill be a good candidate for an artificial orbital implant with improved biocompatibility and long-term stabil ity.