Clinical Epidemiology: How to Do Clinical Practice Research

PART ONE: Performing Clinical Research * Forming Research Questions... 3 * Conducting Systematic Reviews... 15 * Finding Information About the Burden of Disease... 49 * An Introduction to Performing Therapeutic Trials... 59 * The Tactics of Performing Therapeutic Trials... 66 * The Principles Behind the Tactics of Performing Therapeutic Trials... 173 * Testing Quality Improvement Interventions... 244 * Evaluating Diagnostic Tests... 273 * Determining Prognosis and Creating Clinical Decision Rules... 323 * Assessing Claims of Causation... 356 * Generating Outcome Measurements, Especially for Quality of Life... 388 PART TWO: Becoming a Clinical Researcher * Becoming a Successful Clinician-Investigator... 415 * Preparing a Research Protocol to Improve its Chances for Success... 429 * Online Data Collection... 440 * Analyzing Data... 446 * Preparing Reports for Publication and Responding to Reviewers' Comments... 461 * Dealing with the Media... 474 Index... 487