건설 자재 정보 수명주기 관리를 위한 RFID 기술 적용 방안에 관한 연구

For the RFID technology application in the building industry, this research deals with the RFID technology application on the construction material and presents ways of the selection of material for RFID technology application. The final objective of the research intends to develop the RFID application for applicability improvement on construction material. For the purpose, the research objective is to systematize the construction material for RFID Application and suggest the Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) how to use RFID technology in apartment building project. The methods adopted in this paper for RFID Application are the synthetic application connecting physical construction material with electronic RFID information. This study presents the five types of construction material and the RFID technology application considering that characteristics. In the end, it is expected to offer a theoretical basis to embody RFID technology in the building industry and apply the method of the systematic approach for the RFID tagging of the construction material.