Lateral Hypothalamus Corticotropin-releasing Hormone Receptor-1 Inhibition and Modulating Stress-induced Anxiety Behavior

Introduction: Stress is a reaction to unwanted events disturbing body homeostasis and its pathways and target areas. Stress affects the brain through the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), the orexinergic system that mediates the effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) through CRH Receptor Type 1 (CRHr1). Therefore, this study explores the outcome of stress exposure on anxiety development and the involvement of the LHA through LHA-CRHr1. Methods: Male Wistar rats (220–250 g) implanted with a cannula on either side of the LHA received acute or chronic stress. Subsequently, exploratory behavior was examined using the Open Field (OF), and anxiety was tested by Elevated Plus Maze (EPM). Before sacrifice, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the blood were sampled. Nissl stain was performed on fixed brain tissues. Results: Acute stress reduced exploration in of and increased anxiety in EPM. LHA-CRHr1 inhibition reversed the variables to increase the exploration and decrease anxiety. In contrast, chronic stress did not show any effect on anxiety-related behaviors. Chronic stress decreased the cell population in the LHA, which was prevented by the CRHr1 inhibition. However, the CRHr1 inhibition could not reverse the chronic stress-induced increase in the CSF orexin level. Furthermore, plasma corticosterone levels increased through acute or chronic stress, impeded by the inhibition of CRHr1. Conclusion: Our results recognize LHA-CRHr1 as a capable candidate that modulates acute stress-induced anxiety development and chronic stress-induced changes in the cellular population of the region. Highlights Acute stress, increased immobility of the rat in open field and elevated plus maze. Chronic stress, increased orexin production while decreasing neuronal survival. The anxiety and immobility were not developed in presence of CRHr1. CRHr1 blocking reversed the chronic stress changes in corticosterone and orexin. Plain Language Summary Lateral Hypothalamus (LH) is a region involved in sleep and appetite regulation and recently known to play role in stress pathophysiology. The stress mediating function of the LH is performed through Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor type-1 (CRHr1). This study explored the role of LH- CRHr1 in anxiety development and orexin production. Acute and chronic stress affected the behavior and molecular changes, differently. The acute stress increased the anxiety condition, while the chronic stress could only change the molecular criteria. Although we assumed that the inability of the chronic stress to develop anxiety may be attributable to habituation, the chronic stress could increase the plasma corticosterone and orexin level. All of the stress mal-changes in behavior and molecular level prevented by antagonising CRHr1 in the LH, indicating a gating function of LH-CRHr1 for stress development.

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