Improving the Network Life Time of a Wireless Sensor Network using the Integration of Progressive Sleep Scheduling Algorithm with Opportunistic Routing Protocol

Energy consumption is one of the major issues to be considered in wireless sensor network (WSN). The energy consumption problem is usually persistent in every sensor node, which occurs due to the communication overhead between the nodes and other environmental factors that keep on changing throughout the network lifetime. Objective: To improve the energy efficiency of a WSN integrating Progressive Sleep Scheduling (PSS) Algorithm with Opportunistic Routing Protocol. Analysis: The sensor nodes we use are generally battery operated which in most cases uses replaceable batteries instead of rechargeable batteries. The network lifetime will be effected due to the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. To improve this energy consumption, different routing methods are available, which are constantly under research and improvisation. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In this paper we propose opportunistic routing algorithm, where the selection of neighbouring nodes plays a very crucial role. Selection of neighbouring nodes in the network is one of the factors that improve the Energy consumption and network lifetime. To improvise this opportunistic routing algorithm to work even more efficiently, we introduce a sleep algorithm called, PSS algorithm for the sensor nodes integrating with Opportunistic Routing Protocol. Applications/Improvements: We implement our proposed system in NS-2. By integrating the PSS algorithm to the Opportunistic Routing Protocol in an energy constrained WSN, we've achieved the Optimal energy consumption with less energy overhead, which eventually increases the quality of routing in the sensor network.