Augmented reality - Towards an ethical fantasy?

In this paper augmented reality solution development is analysed from an ethical perspective. The paper aims to be a guide on which different aspects of augmented reality and mixed reality development must at least be taken into account when adopting this emerging technology to counter ethically suspicious and malicious consequences which may cause harm amongst the different stakeholders. The analysis consist on both possible direct and collateral consequences of careless augmented reality system development where e.g. privacy, equality, data ownership and other forms of misuse are covered. The topics handled include direct consequences in the form of surveillance and other private and governmental use of augmented reality data, peer surveillance and sousveillance, ownership of data about ourselves, on top of such unintended consequences as augmented reality applications not acknowledging people of darker complexions or using augmented reality applications for even more effective bullying than current applications offer. Wider public discourse on the various current and potential uses of augmented reality applications is needed for the public to understand the direct and collateral consequences and for the legislators to make informed decisions on laws and policies governing augmented reality application usage.