Doppler Based Azimuth Reconstruction Algorithm for Multistatic SAR Formations in High Resolution Wide Swath Mode

A multi-aperture Synthethic Aperture Radar (SAR) system offers to exceed the capabilities of the conventional SARs in various ways, one of which is to realize high-resolution wide-swath mode imaging when operated under the Nyquist frequency. Due to the low operational pulse repetition frequency, the Doppler spectrum of the received data appears strongly aliased in such systems and needs to be resolved via azimuth reconstruction. Our aim in this paper is to suggest an accurate reconstruction strategy that is applicable to multi-aperture SAR point target simulation in a two-spacecraft constellation. We suggested a two-step reconstruction method and validated it with point target simulation in two-channel multistatic constellation configurations with large along-track baselines and high resolution. The results show that our method is capable of accommodating both the polychromatic and range-variant nature of the azimuth reconstruction.