[論文] 승용차 충돌시 승객해석을 위한 모델링의 예

Real automobiles have been utilized to study the occupant behaviors and the response of the structures in the crash environment. Since various parameters are involved in the automobile crashworthiness, a number of experiments must be conducted. The experiments have been con­tributed to increasing the cost due to the fact that the test is quite expensive. Therefore, com­puter simulation is adopted to reduce the number of experiments. A few computer programs have been developed specifically to solve the occupant responses in the crash environment. In this research, a software is used to study the occupant dynamic analysis. A modeling of occupant analysis is established for a passenger car and the results are verified through comparisons with real experiments. In the modeling, data are tuned very carefully so that the simulated results such as HIC (Head Injury Criterion) and acceleration of each body may approximate to the experimental results. The compared experiment is a barrier test which is carried out by frontal impact. A feedback to the design process is suggested from the result of this research.