An approach for a PHIGS machine

The Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) proposal specifies a powerful interface for the development of interactive graphics applications. Throughout the development of PHIGS, emphasis has been placed on providing a high level of functionality along with the ability to provide rapid, dynamic display modifications. Any implementation of PHIGS should strive toward the ultimate goal of providing real-time support for the full functionality. This goal will be impossible to achieve using current, readily available graphics hardware. This is due to the inherent complexity introduced by the desired level of functionality and not to any of the specific approaches that PHIGS has taken to providing that functionality. One possible solution to this problem is the development of a “PHIGS machine.” Such a machine will play the role of a PHIGS logical workstation. This machine must include customized hardware to perform many of the functions required to meet the PHIGS specifications. Some of the more important PHIGS features which one must consider when approaching the architecture of such a machine include structure manipulation, structure traversal and the viewing pipeline.